I've chosen bettering me in isolation versus several brief occasions of lust ending in disappointment. Why? Because I know me...I'm a die-hard romantic and I thoroughly understand my emotions. If you're not used to a woman like me, who will shower you consistently in appreciation, I will surely scare you away. I love hard, I soul-search, and I'm an undying monogamist. Your heart is safe with me...question is, is mine safe with you?...
There is nothing wrong with loving someone deeply, quickly, and without boundaries. The only time it should cause alarm is if it is often and carefree, without any regard to unfinished business or healing. When people engage recklessly in lustful encounters they do not give their bodies a chance to repair from the connections felt between the encounters, and whether it is recognized or not, the mental and emotional are become drained due to the inconsistency in frequency transfer. So there is nothing wrong with loving deeply, quickly, and without boundaries, just as long as you are a whole person before including someone else. Other than that, because you have yet to assess any subconscious damages, you will indirectly hurt others who enter into your world of unresolved skeletons.
So it might be important to advise yourself of the following: Dear future husband ...vows put my wager as All In...when you find me, know that we're in it together. Until then, I'll stay growing in my lane so that I can even live up to the wager.