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Cherlisa Jackson

Uplift Him Through His Battles

If you are my King, AND you prove I have the top spot, I'm ridin' for you, even after them doggone wheels, muffler, and fender fall off! I'm the type to give you my last, even if I ain't even got it to give! I'm going to pray you up, hold you down, and not just play the part...but BE and OWN the part! You know you're with a Queen if she has and KEEPS your back even in your absence! Checking people who don't believe in her King and informing others why they should! Yes! If I believe in your vision..then your goals, and your active plans become my own. Patience is then my middle name, honey! I got you; whatever you need!

This level of ride-or-die is important if your man has shown you that he would do the same for you. It is also important if he is worthy of that level of dedication. It would not be wise to put in effort for a man who is using or abusing, in anyway. If a man is not showing his worth to being with just you, creating zero insecurities about his level of commitment to you, or treating you like you are a woman who is whole and worth something to his life, then putting this much effort into a man like that will often disappoint. Avoid making men into a science project, with this obsession to create and fix. People are wounded and need our love to create joy and peace, but they also require the ability to reciprocate in order for the love to have longevity; a person who needs heavy repair is not capable of that.

However, if you have a strong, and devoted man who is there for you, then in his moment of weakness, boost him up. Do not throw his weaknesses in his face because that is not showing you respect his role in your life. As long as you are not carrying a man who has zero urgency to get on his feet, then be that man's shoulder!

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